Be Featured

If you are a blogger who would like to do a feature article on The Fab Life for Free or if you're a woman with a story, please contact us at!

Here's a list of topics we are interested in promoting:

I Just Gotta Testify-  If you have been delivered, blessed, or just want to talk about how God has shown up for you in a BIG way, please let us know.

Product Reviews-  Are you constantly trying new fashion styles, hair, make-up, and skin products?  Please give us your honest opinion on the latest and greatest products and fashions available.

Shop-a-frolic-  FRUGALISTAS APPLY HERE!!!  If you always know when Nordstrom's is having a huge blow-out and you always have the jump on free shipping from Carol's Daughter....please pass the info along.

Spare the Rod-  If you are a parenting expert, counselor, teacher, or pediatrician, we are looking for articles about parenting and information in regards to child development.

Kingdom Builders-  If you are a financial expert by trade or have experienced any of the following, we would love to hear from you: bankruptcy, retirement planning, first-time home buying, estate planning, wills, etc.

My Body is a Temple-  Fitness queens, tell us how you live!  We're looking for anyone from vegans, to mountain climbers, to body builders.  Share your secrets!

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